We aim to offer package options that will integrate easily within different lifestyles.

We’ve seen immense success with our Daily Check In Sessions option for students who benefit from single-day breakdowns of assignments.

Our students are held accountable for completing and submitting their work on time. We eliminate the stress of deciphering which assignments are due tomorrow (or next week!) and teach our students clear and simple ways to complete this task independantly.

Best of all, we remove this responsibility from hard-working parents.

Daily Check-In

This is the most popular package that we offer. This package consists of a 10-20 minute '‘Check-In’ session every afternoon, Monday - Friday. During the mini-session, we review the assignments for that day with your child, determine how long is needed for each assignment, and set a schedule for your child to follow. The goal is to reduce the stress of determining which assignments to prioritize as well as when to do them and to hold the student accountable for completing them.

Academic Coaching

Our Academic Coaching package incorporates short and long-term academic planning, time management skills, and study skills. Every 30 or 60 minute session begins with prioritizing school assignments and determining the best course of action to follow in order to complete them. These skills are taught to your child gradually so when they go to college they are equipped with the tools necessary to manage their time and school work efficiently. Study skills, academic, and home organization, as well as learning to honor commitments and be accountable for actions are also woven into each session, depending on that week's assignments.